OMG, what a MONTH!

Holy Fuck, What a Month is the perfect way to put into words how hectic this past month has been. And I mean this in the best way possible! For the last 2 months I was honestly in a very low/dark place in my life. I’m sure I have mentioned this before… that I struggle with Anxiety and Depression, and I think it might have hit me worse than ever. I think one of the factors was that the classes I was taking were FUCKING SHIT! They were not pushing my creativeness and just they felt like a drag and torture…

But this month I started my portfolio 4 class. SO I DECIDED TO GO NUTS! I chose a whole bunch of opportunities that were given to me. This including something completely new and out of the box for me, which was a party planner/production manager for the event Orlando Startup Weekend, other projects were Marketing assistant to Folk Yeah Music Festival and working ticketing for Electric Daisy Carnival in Orlando. I also did a lot of volunteer work with local non-profit organizations as an event photographer and did a couple of personal projects like starting my YouTube Channel which is not only going to have a weekly Vlog but also other videos of me talking about the latest fashion trends and much more.

Overall the month is not over and some of the events are yet to come but working on all of this has kept me in such a great place! And I know some of you may be thinking that I am just using distractions to stay away from having to deal with the actual problems I have but this is not true… Most of my anxiety comes from not having anything to do, because I feel helpless and like there is no future out there for me. Working on these projects has given me hope and reassurance that I have what it takes to make it in the creative industry! Specially after trying new things that I have never done before and really enjoying them!

Overall I am so exited to keep working on these projects specially the personal ones… I am going to be doing some more self portrait sessions for my Instagram and for the blog, I will be vlogging for youtube my weekly craziness and just enjoying the little things in life and I will continue on writing which I have found out I enjoy a lot more than what I thought I would…

I have one last thing to say and it is that, I know things go wrong or not even wrong but they just don’t go as planned but, don’t let this stop you from doing what you want. AND YES ITS OK TO TAKE A BREAK, which is what I did those 2 months not only to do a lot of self reflection but to just breathe for a few moments. Its ok to do this but if you are going to do it give yourself a specific amount of time, before you start your break make sure you have an ending date marked in the calendar, so when that day comes you have a fresh new start even ig you are just unpausing something that you have already started.

Lots of Love


Lorianne <3

Lorianne Melendez